

Note: You can customize these shortcuts in Settings/Input and navigation.
Note: Trackpad navigation: Swipe with two fingers to pan. Pinch to zoom.
Note: Powerzoom: Hold both mousebuttons (or press down scrollwheel) and move the mouse.

CTRL + E : Show entire Project or zoom to 0-level
CTRL + ALT + mousemove : Zoom Workspace
CTRL + SPACE + mouse move : Pan Workspace
SPACE + mouse move : Pan Workspace


V : Pointer mode
T : Create text
N : Create Sticky Note
S : Screenshot
P : draw scribbles (Note: You don’t need to switch manually if you use a pen on a touchscreen)
L : Draw lines and arrows
M : Draw shapes
W : Create a widget
K : Create a task
CTRL + F : Search


CTRL + Z : Undo
CTRL + Y : Redo
CTRL + drag items : duplicate
CTRL + D : duplicate selected items
SHIFT + drag items : linear move along one axis
ALT + drag items : move without Smart Align (Note: You can also shake the items to disable Smart Align)
ARROWKEYS : Move selected items (Note: make sure you don’t have enabled arrowkeys as mouse navigation modifier in Settings/Input and Navigation)
ARROWKEYS + SHIFT : Move selected items (bigger distance)
DEL or BACKSPACE : Delete selected items
CTRL + C : Copy selected items to the clipboard (Note: CTRL + X extracts the selected items)
CTRL + V : Paste the clipboard content to the workspace (Note: you can also copy from one Project to another)
CTRL + SHIFT + C : Copy the style of a Text or Shape
CTRL + SHIFT + V : Paste the style to a Text or Shape


Note: You can customize these shortcuts in Settings/Input and Navigation/Item Selection.

ALT + left mouse hold + drag : Drag selection frame
ALT + SHIFT + left mouse hold : Drag selection lasso
SHIFT + select item : add or remove item from a selection (Note: you can also drag a lasso to affect multiple items at once)


TAB : Create new text to the right
CTRL + RETURN : Create new text below (Note: If you position the cursor inside the text, the text will split at that position)
CTRL + SHIFT + RETURN : Create identical text below
In bullet and numbered lists: SHIFT + RETURN : Create a new line without a bullet or number


F5 : Start the first existing Presentationpath (Note: If no Presentationpath exists, the Timeline will show up)
ARROWKEY LEFT or PAGEUP : Previous step
ARROWKEY UP or DOWN : Return to current step (If you navigated away manually during the presentation)
ESC : Stop Presentationpath and show Timeline (Note: Press ESC again to close the Timeline)

Useful Windows shortcuts

WIN + E : Open Windows File Explorer
WIN + TAB : Open Task view (show all open windows)
ALT + TAB : Switch between tasks


CTRL + B: When pressed in the Homescreen (Project list), a periodical backup can be activated.


For collecting information to help us fix issues.

CTRL + F6 : Start tracing (Note: This will create a logfile and start the logging process. To stop the logging, press CTRL + F6 again. You can start the logging in the Project Homescreen then open a Project and then stop it inside the Project or you can start it directly inside a Project).
CTRL + F7: Show the folder containing the logfile. Please send the logfile to